Saturday, April 9, 2011

I'm back

I decided to try blogging again. I don't know why, and I don't know how well I'll do at keeping up with it, but its something I wanted to try again. I've probably been inspired by my wife's blog

Things here are good. Chazley and I have finished our foster to adopt classes. We are now eagerly waiting for our certification to come through. I'm really eager, excited, nervous, and a million other things. I'm so ready to be a father. I've had such a good father and I want to be that kind of person in someones life. To let them know that they are loved and that they are amazing and that I am there for them no matter what. To get to see them grow and change. To get to see Chazley be a mother to them. I just can't wait, even if it does terrify me a little.

The pastorate is going well. For some reason it seems like most of the people like me. It still seems weird to me at times that I'm a pastor. I always thought there was no way I would ever be a pastor. I told God when I was younger that He would have to take me kicking and screaming into a pastorate. But God brought me to the point where I was eager for it. And now that I am a pastor I realize how much I love it. I love the studying and the teaching. I love getting out and being part of a community. I love ministering to people in the good times, bad times, and even mundane times. It's amazing to get to be a part of what God is doing.

Today I got to hang out with my wife some around breakfast before she shut herself off into her writing room. Her dedication and work habits always impress me even if she does come out dancing to music from time to time. I ran errands around town, read my Bible, read some of Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History, read some of J.S. Whale's Christian Doctrines (which I have been really impressed by so far), and this afternoon we get to go to a sweet little girl's birthday party and an amazing couples' 65th anniversary party.

It's just one of those good days. I feel close to God and just pretty content with life.
What makes you happy in life lately? Are you content with where you are? Is God?

1 comment:

  1. enjoyed your post- God is doing great and mighty things! i am content! new follower- your wife suggested it on twitter! :)

    we are adoptive parents as well- God bless! look forward to getting to know ya-
